Tabletop Games

D&D 5e Monsters by Challenge Rating PDF

The D&D Monster Manual released in select stores last Friday. To the dismay of some (myself included), the Monster Manual does not include an index that organizes monsters by their challenge rating. In prev... Read More...
D&D Next is NOT "Dumbed Down"

D&D Next is NOT “Dumbed-Down”

We here at Nerd Sourced have our ears close to the ground when it comes to current events in the D&D world. The genesis of this site was largely designed around the release of our most played RPG system, D&... Read More...
How to be a better roleplayer image

How to Be A Better Roleplayer

A Player's Guide to Building on the Flow Image by Boxiness Recently at Nerd Sourced, we released a series on DM fundamentals for 5th edition, but this only focuses on one person at the table: the GM. So... Read More...

How to Get Your Friends to Play D&D

What if a D&D friend of yours moves out of town, or has some other reason preventing him/her from joining the fun? Many times in my life, I have had players leave the realm of pen & paper RPGs for one r... Read More...