Who are the mysterious folk behind Nerd Sourced? We are the elite producers of reviews, podcasts, and videos. Below are the party members of the Nerd Sourced fellowship.

@Kennstan :: Impractically Sarcastic Robot
“So I have this idea for a campaign!”
Full-time DM, part-time illustrator. Player of games, caster of pods, painter of clouds, lover of DMing… just hoping I can be of some use to the internet.
- + 3 Art
- Low-light vision
- Journeyman in Alteration magic

@AndrewKropff :: Obligatory Well-Balanced Paladin
“To smite, or not to smite? That is the question.”
Andy began adventuring when he embarked on a trip around the globe to hunt every animal from the Chinese zodiac. It was during the hunt of the final creature, a Dragon, that his ambitions were derailed. In that moment he decided that if he couldn’t hunt a real dragon, he would dedicate his life to hunting unreal dragons. Thus his D&D career began.
- +4 to believing in a little thing called love
- -2 to resist delicious Mexican food
- -2 to resist any video game made by Blizzard

@theNerdBrian :: Cleric of Might (Mulit-Class in HTML Editor)
“I think, therefore I DM.”
Brian’s life long dream is to slay a dragons and shoot some aliens. But, until those extra-dimensional portals open up, he passes the time GMing for his buddies and plays videogames in his free time.
- Positive Quality: Human-Looking
- Negative Quality: Gremlins

@TylerBBiddle :: The Pompous Wayfarer
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
- +5 to Insight checks to detect bullshit
- +2 to dark humor checks
@LemonadeOnMars :: Esteemed Halfling Interstellar Explorer
“I need more space!”
- 60% Caffeine
- 30% Hermit
- 10% Antimatter
@rockman20xx :: Blue-bomber aficionado
“One more round?”
Believes that morally-conflicted robots will inhabit the earth in the year 20XX. Enjoys exploring independent game libraries and the occasional online Smash-Fest. Has taken a liking to Shiny Hunting for Pokémon and hopes to one day have an unbeatable Evee evolution team.
- +5 Agility when using Pegasus Boots
- +2 Stealth when impersonating famous characters